Written by Leslie
Sometimes when you sacrifice something precious, you're not really losing it.
You're just passing it on to someone else.
Mitch Albom
Friday, April 16, 2010
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Sleepy Classroom
Written by Alexis
Bedtime naps, but in the day
no light, no illuminous burning sun ray
With navy walls and comfy floors,
built-in pillows on the doors.
My eternal contentment is in my sleep
where I am lying down and off my feet.
I wish this is what a classroom could be,
this is a perfect classroom to me.
Bedtime naps, but in the day
no light, no illuminous burning sun ray
With navy walls and comfy floors,
built-in pillows on the doors.
My eternal contentment is in my sleep
where I am lying down and off my feet.
I wish this is what a classroom could be,
this is a perfect classroom to me.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
My Big Epiphany
Written by Alexis
So here I am one month and two weeks later. Different schedule, differnt
habbits, different perspective. With a few arguements and plenty of focus I am back on track to a completely healthy tween. That wrecked teen bug is out of my system with a doctor signature. Since I have been back from spring break, I have been on top of my assignments- not one late so far this quarter- and my grades are all A's! It feels incredibly impowering to not get those dissapproving looks from mom, but instead, those proud smiles. Seeing my grades and my moms encouraging face, gives me not only a sense of accomplishment, but also a willing to do more.
There is a saying that when you do something the first time, the second and third time is only easier. It just takes a little push. By doing something over and over, it makes the next time that much more effortless. The problem is that many of us(yes even you moms!)give up the gave too quickly to see results. We get impatient and frustrated because it is "too hard", which believe me, this is my first reaction! But after a couple deep breaths and a few tears; I dust myself off, get focused, and try again. That is exactly what I did in this last month- dusted my self off, got focused, and tryed again. After the first week back to school of really being serious about my work, it only made the next four easier.
Exspecially for tweens, it's crucial to start developing your own personal study habbits. In an earilier entry, my mom talked about a certain way of studying that is proven to get the knowledge through our stubborn, distracted tween head. I applyed this to my dailly rutine. I would do my homework, pack my lunch, and review science notes, past math problems, literature questions, whatever was relevent to an upcoming test. Only three big, chapter tests (in these subjects) taken so far and I have aced every one of them! I highly recomend this way of studying!
Now as many of you know, I am not by any means an avid reader.
Out of all my grades, literature is probably my lowest. Books and I, we just aren't friends. Either I love 'em, or I hate 'em- no in between and it takes a lot of searching to find one I like. But lately, I have had this weird empowerment to read a variety of books. It could be my big epiphany or just getting lucky in the books I pick, but if you see a young girl at the library, yeah, that's me!
Okay so the book thing is a little cheesy, but it's true! Ever since my ahah moment, I feel so much clearer and more motovated to be diligent with my studies. Not to mention how much more time I have had on my hands!
And to think that it really is pretty simple of just deciding. It all starts when we get off our lazy bottom, stop pouting in the corner about how we "can't do something", and push ourself a little.
To kick that teen bug out of your system, all it takes is a little push.
So here I am one month and two weeks later. Different schedule, differnt

There is a saying that when you do something the first time, the second and third time is only easier. It just takes a little push. By doing something over and over, it makes the next time that much more effortless. The problem is that many of us(yes even you moms!)give up the gave too quickly to see results. We get impatient and frustrated because it is "too hard", which believe me, this is my first reaction! But after a couple deep breaths and a few tears; I dust myself off, get focused, and try again. That is exactly what I did in this last month- dusted my self off, got focused, and tryed again. After the first week back to school of really being serious about my work, it only made the next four easier.
Exspecially for tweens, it's crucial to start developing your own personal study habbits. In an earilier entry, my mom talked about a certain way of studying that is proven to get the knowledge through our stubborn, distracted tween head. I applyed this to my dailly rutine. I would do my homework, pack my lunch, and review science notes, past math problems, literature questions, whatever was relevent to an upcoming test. Only three big, chapter tests (in these subjects) taken so far and I have aced every one of them! I highly recomend this way of studying!
Now as many of you know, I am not by any means an avid reader.
Out of all my grades, literature is probably my lowest. Books and I, we just aren't friends. Either I love 'em, or I hate 'em- no in between and it takes a lot of searching to find one I like. But lately, I have had this weird empowerment to read a variety of books. It could be my big epiphany or just getting lucky in the books I pick, but if you see a young girl at the library, yeah, that's me!
Okay so the book thing is a little cheesy, but it's true! Ever since my ahah moment, I feel so much clearer and more motovated to be diligent with my studies. Not to mention how much more time I have had on my hands!
And to think that it really is pretty simple of just deciding. It all starts when we get off our lazy bottom, stop pouting in the corner about how we "can't do something", and push ourself a little.
To kick that teen bug out of your system, all it takes is a little push.
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