Sunday, July 25, 2010

Dear Daddy Warbucks

Dear Daddy Warbucks
By Alexis

Dedicated to Papa John

Dear Daddy Warbucks oh the things you have done
You chose little Annie- you knew she was the one
The special little girl that tugged your heart strings
and seemed to have lit up your everything

Though im not little Annie and you're not my dad
But you have cared for me as your best little lad
We laugh and tease till our big bellies hurt
From 'knock knock whose there' to 'what's on your shirt'

You pretend to be tough with your big booming voice
And your cherry red face held up in a hoist
But looks don't fool me, I see right through
You're a big teddy bear if we're all being true

Good times, good times we say thinking back
We slap our thighs hard with a loud sounding WHACK!
Trueth to be told I can't recall what was said
But I know it was funny as i hop into bed

Alas Daddy Warbucks you do make me smile
And in this rinky dink town- it takes you for miles
But there must be a time when we bid our adu's
When saying goodbye my heart turns to blue

As a tear strikes my face and I can't help but cry
Dear Daddy Warbucks i want you to know why
That place in my heart- that belongs to you
Along with these three simple words - i love you

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Hilltop Oak Tree

A single hilltop oak tree
Locked tight to the earth,
Yet detached from everything


Everyone sees it
But no one can find me


As the day progress
Shadows cast
I remain undiscovered
Under the hilltop oak tree

